set free proxy for pc all windows.

    set free proxy for pc  all         windows.

Setup Free Proxy Server with CCProxy Step by Step


Step 1 - Free Proxy Server Software CCProxy Installation And Configuration

  1. Download the latest version of CCProxy (V7.2) from the download center. You can choose the "CCProxy 8.0 Free Version.
  2. Install CCProxy on a computer which can access Internet. Just keep clicking "Next" to finish the installation.
CCProxy Main Interface

      3. "Options" -> "Advanced" -> "Networks", click to not select the "Disable External Users" check box, then keep clicking the "OK" button to save.

       4. Keep all the other options of CCProxy as the default settings. Now, this computer is automatically working as an anonymous and free proxy server.

Step 2 - Network Settings and Obtaining Internet IP Address of the Free Proxy Server

If the computer on which CCProxy has been located is connected to the Internet directly, with no router or firewall, please just ignore this step.
If it's behind a router/firewall, you need to open a hole in the router/firewall and map port 808 and 1080 to this computer. 
Before next step, you also need to obtain the proxy server address, it should be an Internet IP address but not LAN IP address. 

Step 3 - Make Proxy Server Settings in The Browser Such as IE, Firefox etc

Let's say your free proxy server's Internet IP address is "". Now you and your friends can make proxy settings in the browser as bellow to surf with your proxy server for free.
Free Proxy Server-1

Free Proxy Server-2

Besides IE and Firefox, maybe you also need to make proxy settings for some other network applications such as MSN Messenger, Skype, CuteFTP etc. We also have more instructions for you - how to proxy server for various network applications.


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